Betsy Blonsky

Betsy is an Integration Coach, trauma informed somatic practitioner and educator. Through her unconventional approach of mind-body connection and embodiment practices (simply working with your body and its energies), clients have elevated their lives. Betsy helps clients reduce stress, anxiety, depression and sustain new levels of energy, clarity and fulfillment so they can feel and live better.

She invites women, men ,couples and families to live from an elevated state. She also welcomes the marketplace to likewise cultivate an environment of healthy elevated individuals.

Betsy has been on a path of self-development for 20+ years and is just as passionate about supporting others in their own journey.

My Journey & Qualifications

I have helped countless women and couples get healthy over the years. But, I am no stranger to the struggle so many walk through. My husband and I are also familiar with so many painful challenges couples and families face today.

Haven’t we all struggled with pain?

Pain is quite often the biggest invitation to wake up.

Until I began to wake myself up at the deepest levels. 

I walked through and overcame:

  • Divorce

  • Unresolved trauma from childhood (developmental trauma, early childhood abuse, eating disorders and body images disorders)

  • Ongoing Family problems with extended family members (Codependency and Narcissistic family dynamics)

  • Major health issues (When you live in chronic Fight or Flight and then get stuck in it, health crisis soon follows.)

  • Wrestled with my Feminine Essence

..And with every loss, storm, and dark time I’ve been met with love and healing. Self love , understanding , acceptance and empathy helped heal me at the deepest levels.

Healing I didn’t even realize I needed and that I could learn to cultivate with in my self.

As I continued to do this deep work with in myself, I began to study, acquire numerous tools, training, and certifications. I found my passion and have cultivated it for over 20+ years.

Truthfully most psychologists, therapists and healers I’ve been privileged to  train amongst practice their craft on themselves before they bring their medicine to others.

I studied Nervous System health and became certified. 

I studied stress and the power of our bodies and got trained.

I got certified in Intimacy and Sexual Polarity: feminine and masculine energies.

I studied emotions and began to learn more about mother, father wounds, and lineage pain. 

I studied the mind-body connection , nervous system regulation, meditation, breath work and embraced them all together

I have worked closely with Doctors, Healers and Shamans from all over the world.

I began to heal and Elevate my own life on every level. I’ve bought into the mantra that “Healed people heal people”. My wounds and their healing have become my life's message of encouragement that others can also heal and flourish.

Today, I am here to help other women , men, couples and the marketplace to not only elevate their energy but also elevate their lives in every area of life.

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